A Sweet Science

A Sweet Science: How to Freeze Dry Candy Freeze drying is a fascinating process that transforms ordinary candy into crunchy, flavorful delights. This method changes the structural changes from the candy while preserving its taste. In this post, we'll explore the step-by-step process of freeze drying candy so you can enjoy your favorite treats in a whole new way. Step 1: Preparation Before you begin, gather your favorite candies. Whether it's gummy bears, marshmallows, or skittles, almost any candy can be freeze dried. Arrange the candies on a tray lined with parchment paper, making sure they are not touching each other. Step 2: Freeze Drying Once the candies are prepped, transfer the tray to a freeze dryer. A freeze dryer is a machine that removes moisture from food items using a combination of freezing, heat and vacuum pressure. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for your specific machine. Step 3: Monitoring Monitor the freeze drying process carefully. It can tak...